Our Early Electrotherapy Research

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

Back in the period during 2000 – 2002, I experimented with few simple HF oscillators/plasma antenna exciters for Rife type of devices. It was a period that Dr James Bare started to do more severe…

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

Percutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and Electrical Muscle

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

Nikola Tesla Archive & Electrotherapy Museum

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

What is Electrotherapy & How It Works On Muscles

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

A Brief History of Electroconvulsive Therapy

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

American Alpha-Stim Cranial Electrotherapy Stimulation Technology

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

Review article : Electrotherapy for muscles: time for a new start

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

Improve face and skin condition using electro-therapy

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

Bioresorbable, wireless, and battery-free system for

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

Magnets offer alternative for patients with major depression

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

Comparison of electrotherapy of hemorrhoids and Ferguson

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

Electrotherapy, 1925–1932 (Chapter 4) - The Cult of Youth

Our Early Electrotherapy Research

Electrotherapy Explained, Principle & Practice,4/e: Robertson